Hello everyone,
our Gnome and Goblin engineers worked on some updates and bug fixes.
Here is a summary of released changes for the June update.
Hello everyone,
our Gnome and Goblin engineers worked on some updates and bug fixes.
Here is a summary of released changes for the June update.
The RXP Gold Assistant has been added FOR FREE!
This includes:
1-375 Gathering Guides for Mining, Herbalism and Skinning
Gathering routes for ALL TBC zones for ALL gathering professions
An all new, fresh look for the GUI
-New built-in functions that have been added to better satisfy the needs of the Gold Assistant, and to maximize your efficiency:
Loops that show graphical lines on the map with accompanying waypoints
Reputation checking to see if you can take the Caverns of Time shortcut
Cooldown checking to see if your hearthstone is up
Checks your current .skill of a profession (including riding to provide the most efficient route!) to immediately get you to the steps you need to be on if you’re starting with a profession already partially leveled
To turn on this option ingame, simply click the cogwheel on the window, then select “Activate the Gold Assistant Mode”. Do the same process if you wish to switch back to the Level guide mode.
.use window added! Quests in the game will now have usable items for current displayed in a window which can be clicked. These are also able to be dragged straight from the window onto the hotkey of your choice.
*NOTE: This functionality is currently disabled for SoM/Vanilla and 30-70 zones. It will be fully available for 30-80 upon wotlk release. Preview: https://i.imgur.com/G85jZnv.png
New functionality added for how many of an on-use item is required which disappear when used for quests in conjunction with advancing the objective number (See lock openers/Rageclaws freed above)
.lines added for some specific quests! These show a graphical line on the map, typically indicating a large patrol route.
.itemcount added! This checks for whether or not the player has a certain item, and skips they step if they do/don’t. This should help with automatically skipping steps that you had to manually click before.
Fixed duplicate “Westfall Stew” steps
Added missing “Tome of Divinity” questline for Paladins
Various small route/step fixes for Dwarf Paladins
“The First and the Last” questline should now automatically skip correctly if level is too low
Fixed typo for a flight during the 51-51 Blasted Lands section
Slight improvements to Burning Steppes routing
Slightly improved the auto waypoints of Mulgore
“Mazzranache” quest logic improved
Ensured that “Mazzranache” is now complete before heading back to Bloodhoof
“Swoop Hunting” changed so that it now may be completed at two seperate points
Unitscan added for Morin Cloudstalker
Unitscan added for Kyle the Frenzied
Added missing quest accept “The Ashenvale Hunt”
Added missing quest accept “Melor Sends Word”
Added missing quest turnin “Report to Kadrak”
Fixed missing coordinates for Shaman training at 24 before Hillsbrad
Fixed random and inefficient “Flight to Camp Taurajo” for shamans and Rogues at 24+ before Hillsbrad
Added missing Undercity flight path for Orc/Troll Rogues and Shamans at 24+ before Hillsbrad
Fixed random and inefficent “Run to Durnholde Keep” for warlocks at 24+ before Hillsbrad
Removed random and infficient “Fly to Menethil Harbor” in the 41-42 Badlands Guide
Adjusted step tooltips to better prepare players for quest difficulty if the quests are no longer elite or hard
Added foreshadowing steps to better prepare users for future steps
Improved clarity on some early game steps; eg Rogues are told to save an exact amount of money for weapons instead of just being told to save money in general.
Removed cooking leveling steps for humans, dwarves and gnomes due to improved routing in Darkshore.
Fixed issues with certain steps not auto skipping in 1-11 Elwynn Forest
Fixed issues with certain steps not auto skipping in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Fixed issues with certain steps not auto skipping in 11-14 Darkshore
Fixed issues with certain steps not auto skipping in 14-20 Bloodmyst
Fixed issues with certain steps not auto skipping in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Fixed issues with certain steps not auto skipping in 20-21 Darkshore
Fixed issues with certain steps not auto skipping in 24-27 Redridge/Duskwood
Improved paladin routing in 1-11 Elwynn Forest
Added a water purchase step for human priests and warlocks in 1-11 Elwynn Forest
Adjusted routing to acquire mining picks for Warriors, Paladins and Rogues in 1-11 Elwynn Forest
Added notes to some kill steps to improve routing efficiency in 1-11 Dun Morogh
Added water purchase steps for night elf priests and druids in 1-6 Teldrasil
Added arrow restock steps for night elf hunters in 1-6 Teldrasil
Improved coordinate routing in 1-6 Teldrasil
Added an abandon step for Moss-Twined Heart if players find it too late in 1-11 Teldrassil
Added arrow and quiver purchase steps for draenei hunters in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle.
Added water purchase steps for draenei casters in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle.
Adjusted multiple quest comments for increased clarity in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle.
Fixed an issue with setting your hearthstone steps auto skipping in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle.
Fixed incorrect coordinates for Cookie’s Jumbo Gumbo in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Fixed an issue where Rescue the Survivors wouldn’t have a turn in step in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added additional routing coordinates for multiple kill and gather quests in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added a deathskip after Innoculation in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Fixed an issue with Learning the Language auto skipping in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Fixed an issue that could cause Murlocs… Why Here? Why Now? to auto skip in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Improved coordinates inside caves in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added multiple “grind en route” steps to reduce duration of large grind sessions in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added “use quest item” popups for quests in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added personalized training coordinates for each class in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added a Blacksmithing step for Draenei Warriors and Paladins in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Adjusted Draenei Hunter routing to be more seamless in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added draenei hunter pet taming steps in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added vendor and repair steps to Draenei routing in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Added a wand purchase step for Priests in The Exodar in 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
Improved leveling speed and routing in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Fixed an issue that could cause Ruinous Polyspore to auto skip in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Improved coordinate routing within The Exodar 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Added a turnin step for Iradiated Crystal Shards in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Fixed an issue with setting your hearthstone steps auto skipping in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Fixed an issue that removed the quest arrow from Oh the Tangled Webs They Weave in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Added multiple “grind en route” steps to reduce duration of large grind sessions in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Updated Kessel Run routing to decrease the chance of failures in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Added catchup steps for underleveled players in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Added a tracking sticky for Iraddiated Crystal Shards in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Added “use quest item” popups for quests in 11-20 Bloodmyst (Draenei)
Improved 14-20 Bloodmyst Isle routing
Removed Alien Predator quest from 14-20 Bloodmyst
Removed A Favorite Treat quest from 14-20 Bloodmyst
Improved coordinate routing for the Kessel Run to reduce dismounts in 14-20 Bloodmyst
Added steps for paladins to train in Blood Watch 14-20 Bloodmyst
Improved coordinate routing within The Exodar in 14-20 Bloodmyst
Adjusted the order of some steps in 23-24 Wetlands for better efficiency.
Fixed a bug with some step text not showing in 23-24 Wetlands
Improved coordinated routing in 23-24 Wetlands
Added class specific training coordinates in Stormwind City
Adjusted order of some steps in 24-27 Redridge/Duskwood for better efficiency.
Added arrow restock steps for hunters in 24-27 Redridge/Duskwood.
Added Razor Arrow purchase steps for hunters in 24-27 Redridge/Duskwood.
Fixed certain steps not having a quest arrow in 24-27 Redridge/Duskwood.
Adjusted class training steps to be more in order with quest turn ins in 24-27 Redridge/Duskwood.
Fixed an issue with some steps not auto skipping in 24-27 Redridge/Duskwood
Fixed an issue with An Old History Book auto skipping in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Added a mount purchase step for humans in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Added a destroy step for the Translated Letter from the Embalmer in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Fixed an issue with some quest arrow coordinates showing in the step box in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Added a mount purchase step for draenei in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Added a mount purchase step for dwarves and gnomes in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Added a mount purchase step for night elves in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Fixed an issue with some steps not auto skipping in 30-32 Duskwood/STV
Unitscan added for Lady Sathrah
Unitscan added for Cruelfin
Unitscan added for Murgurgula
Unitscan added for Tzerak
Unitscan added for High Chief Bristlelimb
Unitscan added for Messenger Hermesius
Unitscan added for Dal Bloodclaw
Unitscan added for Lady Vespia
Unitscan added for Gobbler
Unitscan added for Insane Ghoul
Unitscan added for Mor’ladim
Unitscan added for Balgaras the Foul
Unitscan added for Forsaken Courier
Unitscan added for Zzarc’Vul
Unitscan added for Sin’Dall
Unitscan added for Razorspine
Unitscan added for Bhag’thera
Unitscan added for Elder Saltwater Crocolisk
Unitscan added for Tethis
Unitscan added for Caliph Scorpidsting
Unitscan added for Winterfall Runner
Unitscan added for Ursius
Unitscan added for Brumeran
Unitscan added for Anchorite Truuen
Unitscan added for Wandering Skeleton
Unitscan added for Diseased Wolf
Unitscan added for Diseased Flayer
Unitscan added for Cannibal Ghoul
Unitscan added for Infiltrator Hameya
Unitscan added for Cavalier Durgen
Slightly improved the auto waypoints of Mulgore
“Mazzranache” quest logic improved
Ensured that “Mazzranache” is now complete before heading back to Bloodhoof
“Swoop Hunting” changed so that it now may be completed at two seperate points
Unitscan added for Morin Cloudstalker
Unitscan added for Kyle The Frenzied
Added minor coordinate/step fixes for the “Magatha/Andron Payment to Jediga” quests
Added missing quest accept “Speaking with Nezzliok”
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