
This is a platform to write in-game leveling guides for WoW Classic

Writing your own guides

In order to write your own guide, you need to load a .lua file and call the following function `RXPGuides.RegisterGuide(guideGroup,guide)`
`guideGroup` is a simple string containg the name of the group you want to associate with your guide with, `guide` refers to a string containing the information regarding all the steps.

The guide is separated into steps and inside each step you have one or more elements, a step is considered complete when all elements are complete

It’s easier to demonstrate the addon syntax with an example, anything after a double dash (`–`) is considered a comment and is ignored:

RXPGuides.RegisterGuide("Tommysalami Gnome-Dwarf Route",[[
<< Gnome Warrior/Gnome Mage/Dwarf Warrior/Dwarf Paladin/Dwarf Priest --This guide will only load for those classes --You can use a exclamation mark, for instance !Dwarf Paladin will return true for all paladins that are not Dwarf --and Dwarf !Paladin will return true for all Dwarves that are not paladins #name 1-11 Dun Morogh/Loch Modan --Display name of your guide #next 11-14 Darkshore --Next Guide that will load after all steps are complete step --marks the beggining of a step >>Drop your hearthstone --The double 'greater than' sign prints a text line
.goto Dun Morogh,29.9,71.2 --Creates a map marker, goto steps are elements that are always considered complete
.accept 179 >> Accept Dwarven Outfitters
--This step will auto complete once all of its elements are marked complete
--In this case, once you accept quest ID 179
step << Warrior --This step only applies to Warriors .goto Dun Morogh,28.6,72.2,18 --18 is the radius of the goto step --That means that this element will only get marked as complete once you are within 18 yards of the given coordinates >>Kill 2 Wolves for Vendor 10c+ Trash
>>(if less, sell 1-2 pieces of gear, not weapon)
step << Warrior .goto Dun Morogh,28.8,69.2,18 >>Enter the building
step << Warrior
.goto Dun Morogh,28.7,67.7
+Vendor trash and train battle shout
--Since this step has no completeable elements, the plus sign will create checkbox with this text
.goto Dun Morogh,28.7,74.8
.complete 179,1 --element will complete once you collect 8 Tough Wolf Meat (first objective of quest ID 179)
step << Priest/Mage --this step only applies to mages or priests .goto Dun Morogh,30.0,71.5 >>Vendor, buy 10 water
.collect 159,10 --this element will complete itself when you collect 10 Refreshing Spring Water
step << Gnome Warrior .goto Dun Morogh,29.9,71.2 .turnin 179 >> Turn in Dwarven Outfitters --this step will complete itself when you turn in quest ID 179
.accept 233 >> Accept Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery
.accept 3112 >> Accept Simple Memorandum
step << Dwarf Warrior .goto Dun Morogh,29.9,71.2 .turnin 179 >> Turn in Dwarven Outfitters
.accept 233 >> Accept Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery
.accept 3106 >> Accept Simple Rune

Important remarks:

Goto elements are always attached to the first element above that has a checkbox, now looking at the follwing examples:

This goto element is attached to the whole step, meaning that the map marker will persist as long as the step is active:

step << Gnome/Warrior .goto Dun Morogh,29.9,71.2 .turnin 179 >> Turn in Dwarven Outfitters
.accept 233 >> Accept Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery
.accept 3112 >> Accept Simple Memorandum

Now, the goto element is attached to the first element, meaning that the map marker will disappear once you turn in quest ID 179:

step << Gnome/Warrior .turnin 179 >> Turn in Dwarven Outfitters
.goto Dun Morogh,29.9,71.2
.accept 233 >> Accept Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery
.accept 3112 >> Accept Simple Memorandum

The waypoint arrow will always pick the first available goto element, if you have several goto steps like this:

.goto Dun Morogh,28.7,74.8 --The waypoint arrow will always pick this goto element
.goto Dun Morogh,27.2,71.2
.complete 179,1

If you set the goto radius to 0, the waypoint arrow will ignore that goto element.

Written by

The RestedXP Guides will be available with the TBC Pre-Patch